Irregular grids was first introduced by Oskar Stålberg. It's the basis for an indy game of his own creation nammed Townscaper. The main idea was to use algorithms like wave function collapse & marching cubes to create a simple game that allows users to procedurally generate little towns by selecting where on a grid to place 3d tiles. Instead of using voxel grids, irregular grids was used to create shapes and paths that are more organize and varied then normal grids.

The main goal of this repo is purely for education for anyone with an interest in procedural generation. The hopes is to create a good collection of examples & information to implement and use irregular grids in the way Oskar does. In these examples a custom "Half Edge" data structure was created as the backbone in generating the grid and a 3D mesh with easy access to various linkages between vertices, edges, triangles and faces.

Source Code :

Misc Hex Plane 3D Sphere Circle Plane

References Further Reading