Materials / Shaders for ThreeJS

Collection of shaders that I've ported, modified or created all in one place.

Source Code :

  1. ThreeJS's Raw Shader Lighting (Direction and PointLights)
  2. Tripolar (Catlikecoding Unity Port)
  3. Matcap Lighting
  4. Uniform Buffer Object
Interior Mapping
  1. Basic Example with Tiling & Offset ( Plane - Tangent Space - CubeMap )
  1. Procedural Terrain ( Blender Shader Port )
  1. Three Tone (3JS Lighting)
  2. Kenney's Direction Tint
  3. Screen Space Halftones
  4. Minionsart's Toon Glass v1
  5. Minionsart's Toon Glass v2 - Modified
  6. Minionsart's Fake Liquid
  7. Specular SDF Shape
  1. Parallax on a cube ( View & Worldspace Examples )
  2. Car Paint
  1. Cube Borders
  2. Procedural Hero Suit
  3. BOTW / TOTK Stamina Wheel
  4. Gauge
  5. Angle View
Sky Domes
  1. Procedural Space Nebula
  2. Procedural Sky
  3. Equirectangular ( Dome + Sphere Reflection )
  4. Cubemap
  5. Cross Layout Cubemap ( Contains Artifacts )
  1. Fungi Grid Floor
  2. Triplanar Grid
  3. Basic Grid
  4. Circle Grid
  5. Box Grid
  6. Infinite Line Grid
  7. Checkerbox & Crosses
  8. IQ's Filtered Grid Renderering